Upcoming Events & News
Feb 15 – “A Binding Truth Screening & Talk Back” at Myers Park United Methodist Church
Celebrate Black History Month with Learning From The Future and Myers Park United Methodist Church
50 years after they graduated from high school, classmates Jimmie and De Kirkpatrick reconnect after a shocking discovery changes their lives. Join us at 6:30 PM on February 15 when the two Charlotte natives return to the community where it all began for a screening of the documentary film, “A Binding Truth.” Following the screening, Jimmie and De will reflect on the experience and share how their story is a catalyst for change as we reconcile the underbelly of American history and society.
Participants are invited to return to Myers Park United Methodist Church on February 22 and 29 for an in-depth community dialogue using the patented Learning From The Future process, facilitated by Bob Johnson, Founder and President of RP3 Strategies, and Dave Newell, Founder and President of Evolve Consulting using the patented Learning From The Future process.
Refreshments will be provided.
Past Events & News

Join Us For An End of Year Celebration
All 2023 participants in Learning From the Future are invited to join us again, this time with other community members who, like you, shared their experiences with and stories regarding race to unearth and capture the systems at play.
Press Release: Change Agents: RP3 Strategies Receives Power DEI 100 Award for Excellence for
Innovative work to Create Holistic Working Environments
Join founders Bob and Dave for an panel discussion on Thursday May 24th at the Gantt Center. Details are below.
Wednesday Night Live @ The Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-American Arts & Culture
American Mind: Discussing Black Mental Health
Wednesday, May 24 | 6:30 – 8:30 PM
We will explore Black Americans’ unique relationship with mental health, including its varied historical and social factors and the importance of ever-shifting cultural values around mental healthcare. Diversely-equipped community leaders will guide the conversation and share creative resources for self-care and increased mental well-being. CEO of the Mecklenburg County ABC Board Keva Walton will moderate this panel featuring: Bob Johnson and Dave Newell of Learning From the Future, Lisa Adams of Mental Health America, and Fonda Bryant of the Wellness Action Recovery
Are you interested in joining us for an event or hosting one of your own? Reach out to us below to learn more!