Hidden Valley Neighborhood Association

Learning from the Future is an effort to capture community stories regarding race and race relations, unearth the systems as
that community sees them, and share that story with other communities and leaders in Charlotte.

The whole experience took place over three 2-hour sessions with 15-20 participants from communities across Charlotte.

Session 1: Story capture – participants will have the chance to share their story and experiences, and we collect the stories to form a
larger, community narrative
Session 2: That story is shared back to participants in the form of a “causal map,” which captures the themes and systems at play, and
identifies areas to create influence and change
Session 3: This session brings together 3 community groups in a broader conversation – an opportunity to share stories, learn from
one another, and explore and discuss a future we collectively want.

​Below you’ll find the notes from Session 1 displayed as a virtual white board with the themes in each hexagon
and then the notes from Session 2 displayed as a Causal Map diagram.

Notes from Session 1 - Stories & Themes

Hidden Valley Neighborhood Association

Notes from Session 2 - Casual Map

Hidden Valley Neighborhood Association Casual Map
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